Lately, I’ve been having great fun with the FireFox portable web browser and accompanying suite. Not much to do, but otherwise hanging in there! ^_~
Of fics and arts and lack of cords
Yay! I have a-published! ^_^ I need to write more, ne ne? I miss writing in my journal… twas a hard pass year it twas. Ahwell, anyway, sitting on the floor currently with a dinosaur of a laptop writing in my journal. The ethernet cord won’t reach to the couch and I dun feel like sitting at the desk, I’m silly.
I plan on making a separate blog for my fictions. I work on things so randomly and then if I post them here I have to delve through hours of posts before finding it… ^^; Therefore, setting up a fic blog.
Blogger’s done a bunch of new changes. I don’t think I like the users panel much, cause I like to go straight to posting and I haven’t figured out yet if there’s an option to put it back on the main page for editing…. But everything else is pretty nice. I LOVE the fact they finally got around to having a “comments” option. I need to figure it out and add it to this blog, whoo!
Last night I wrote for a good near two hours. Felt good. I’ve been needing to get around to that. Devart’s made me a bit lazy cause it makes thumbnails and sets up the page for me, lol, and I’ve been neglecting my artsite, especially with all the new lovely arts needing to go up.
But a story I started yeeears ago and only wrote about a page back in August I’ve decided to write more on. Since I only have word pad on this laptop I don’t know how many pages it is, but it’s not too shabby. An entire chapter! *_* I even ended it as such, YAY! If it actually amounts to anything, and I finish it, and it’s GOOD… I might even publish it.. who knows? =whistles=
I’ll set up my fic blog and post a portion of the first chap. The beginning of the first chap is on the other computer. Ahwell. Anyway, I’m happy for it.
Also, I’ve been working more at Aku-Tenshi… look for new manga releases that I have edited, YAY! *_* Shinshi Doumei Cross and working on Kannade currently. And anything else they have me do.
And that’s about it for now… I need to make a post later, anyway, when I set up my fic blog. It’ll be mostly dry looking until I can get around to prettying eht! ^_~
Riddle Master of Hed
I finished my book last night. And then I cried. And I tell you, for a book to exercise that much emotion from me… it was good.
For those who need a good read, read Patricia A. McKillip’s Riddle-Master Trilogy. It’s a fast read, well-written, and very powerful. Of course, there’s me promoting any of the excellent elder Fantasy and Sci-Fi writers. But no doubt, McKillip’s good, just like Ursula K. LeGuin.
=heart heart=
And finally, a beautiful, wonderful ending to the trilogy I’ve been trying to finish for a good 10 years. I could never find the third book, hence, I could never finish it. Well, I own it now, and happy happy is me!
On to reading Tad Williams’ War of the Flowers and Jacqueline Carey’s Kushiel’s Avatar. Talk about being busy while having nothing to do. T_T And the worse? I can finally get on my computer to do things, and I have absolutely and utterly NO motivation. =cries= Ah well, we’ll see when it finally hits, no?
And I love my PS2!!!!! *__________* My new assignment is to buy a DDR game, WH00T!
And I tried to draw, I really did. =sob= Why does nothing want to come out of my brain! =cries= AHGH! But maybe Nezu-chan’s Deth and Morgan picture will come out right… I can see it in my head, now if only I could draw it… T_T
=huggles Morgan and Deth= such lovely caras, really!
=wavies= BAI BAI ALL!
Japanese Re-Armament stuffs on Gaia
I figured I should post the link to my Japanese re-armament issues thread on Gaia and show off my edited avatar here as well. ^_^
Go here to read the thread:
and also… because it’s too kawaii NOT to show… I must show my edited avatar. I dressed her up to look like Symmea, hehe! ^_^
Let me know what you all think! ^_~ (I need to make it transparent, oi ^^;)
CP Birthday
Yeah… so just had a birthday…. I’m so ashamed T____T (no new layout up)
Free Linkage
I’m recording this link cause one, I’ll forget it, and two, it’s Kytri’s art page. Go give her some lovin’. Why? Cause she bloody rawks! That’s why!
Forgetting Stuffs… and some Arts
I have lost what I was typing TWICE now! T_______T I hate loosing long paragraphs… T_T
Anyway, I’m not freaking typing it all again, instead, just enjoy the pretty art T_T One of which is a pic done for my lovely Trin. One of which is what I am sending the goddess Jen. All of which (‘cept for one) was done over the summer. All of which is NOT all I have that needs to be scanned in. Enjoy ^_~
This is a rough sketch that I wanted to do of Hisoka from Yami no Matsuei… although… he turned out looking a bit old… however, he still favors Hisoka, and as that was who I was originally attempting to sketch, I’ve stuck with him just being Hisoka rather than a random sketching, heh ^^; But still, he looks quite adorable, ne? *_*
This is a Caimyr, a variation on a draconic creature. Essentially, it is a creature I created in my Symmea of Kyorh story. I sketched this over the summer and it turned out horridly better than I had ever dreamed. This scan is actually a really bad scan. Especially when I re-sized the picture… ^^;; There are some finite detail in the sketching that just won’t show up in the scan. But for all that, it’s still a pretty wicked looking piece! ^_~
Ah yes, the elusive Harry. This is a pic I’ve been promising to show folks the moment I got to a scanner…. instead, I scanned in Indrud first. Ah! The horror! =blushes= Ah well, finally, unveiled, is my beautiful male concubine, Harry! *_* Isn’t he absolutely gorgeous?!?!?! I originally couldn’t bring myself to draw him, being as how gorgeous he is and all… but then, one day, the lines flew out of me and into the most wonderful of creations. This is merely a sketch, but soft and beautiful in its simplicity. He is meant to be in peaceful slumber giving you a soft feeling when gazing upon him… =dreamy eyes= Did I accomplish this? I hope so! Even if none of you like him, he holds special places in my heart! =sigh= Soooo loverly! *_*
This is my horrid attempt at coloring such a gorgeous picture. Now, before any of you jump down my throat about calling such utter wonderful colors horrid, let me explain. First… Harry’s hair is not supposed to be pink… >_< It's supposed to be silvery-white. The marker I had at the time dried in the worse possible way. =sigh= Then there's the face. My dears, he looks anguished. Now the pic is nice even for that, but I am disappointed in because it just doesn't have the same appeal as the sketch. I REALLY screwed up the inking around the face, getting the light and dark lines backwards. bleh. But then.... the colors on the outfit and the utter brilliance of the jewels on his belt more than make up for it and allow this rendition to be utterly stunning, putting aside personal preferences.
And this pic, my dears, is for none other than the absolutely WONDERFUL goddess, Jen! *_* It is but a scan and when I have the monies I shalt send him you’re way! mew! =molests=
And finally, but HARDLY the least, yet once more a scan in promise of the actual picture! My dear Trinity, HERE is your small, but adorably cute, Shuuichi piccy I promised! Again, the colors are more brilliant in person, but for now the scan will do. ^_~ I’ll get it to you as soon as I can, my dear! =huggles=
Ah yesh… and now, back to the drawing board… litterally… for requests for my loverlies Xandra, Di, Deathy, Rae, Amy, Nezumi, and by god, I’m sure there are more! ^^;;;
Neglecting LJ
…I’ve been neglecting my journal for my livejournal… ^^;;; Anyway, a cause I’ma too lazy to copy and paste the post at livejournal, click on the link to see my newest arts! WAI! ^^
~mwarghies-out ^_~
Away at ACEN
So yep, gone to another con. On my way to Chicago, I ish!!! ^_^ Meeting up with Trin and Wikki. ^_^ I’m terribly excited and having making preparations all week…
Which has lead me to my current predicament… T_T I totally did not wish two special people happy birthdays! (I know, I’m horrible.)
Happy b-days go out to Trin and Bel. =huggles them= LOVE YOU BOTH! Must make belated b-day gifts… (You’ll probably get your’s at the con. ^_~)
Well, that’s it for now. Musts finish getting ready to leave in and 2 1/2 hours…. Tried to only take 2 bags total, one for clothes, one for art supplies and pics…. nope, still gotta have room for food and the magazines…. and manga and artbooks… good god…. ^_^;;;;
=wavies= BAIDER BAIS! SEE YOU ALL WHEN I GET BACK ON MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~mwarghies out ^_~
Artings Updatings
Okies, the over-put-off posting of new art… and I should NOT still be here… T_T;
Well, I couldn’t resist doing an adorable Chibi Subby piccy! ^_^ I was thinking on his love for animals and I though, why not have him hold something cute? A puppy is a little redundant, so why not a birdy? Therefore, here is the drawing. It was original very messed up, and then I realized his waist was WAAAY too low. Once fixed, it turned out great! ^_^
I love and adore Tsuzuki, especially puppy Tsuzuki. (I identify so well it’s scary…) Anywho, this drawing came shortly after my first Chibi Subaru. Originally, this was not to be colored, but finding myself deterring from work, I messed around coloring it. It turned out so well, I almost squeeled with delight. This would not have been a good thing with so many people around… ^^;; I love the way it turned out. I only wish now that I had colored the larger scanned pic for better print quality.
This seems to be a fave. I finished coloring this last night. I am MORE than happy with the outcome of this pic. I sit back and go MY GOD! Although, I must say, the perfectionist in me still sees a few minute details I would have liked to change, but I refuse to touch the pic. This was a gift to Jensie, who absolutely adored it! It’s always good to know the art has been enjoyed. ^_^ (And everyone else who has glomped this pic! LOL!)
Original Art:
This was a random sketch turned drawing. I have no intentions of coloring this pic. In truth, there are many things that need not be colored. This is one of them. I love the gentle subtleness of the pencil itself, and though most would ink their pics, I remain stedfast in not touching certain ones. However… to me, I can’t help but not think the boy only has one leg… or two melded to one… I’ll try to think of it as a skirt… ^_~;
MORE Tsuzuki puppy love! This time he’s eating an odango! ^_^ I am working on a colored version of this, but had to share the sketch. He’s adorable, getting ready to woof down a nice odango. Who wouldn’t love him? Give him love! ^_^
CG Art:
Finally, I just finished this tonight. Currently, the banner at the bottom is off-centered, but I’m too tired to fix it and upload it tonight, so that will be done tomorrow. I chose a hair color not often used, and since the mouse I was using likes to squiggle lines, it has given this cg an almost oekaki feel to it. I also went ahead and allowed the hair to be “crimped” in effect simply cause I wanted to kill the mouse and since the mouse was already squiggly… presto! No trouble hair! lol ^^; It’s cute, as far as instant, fast, rushed bishounen go. I didn’t hassle too much over this, nor spent much time. So feel free to bash if you will.
And that’s it for my updates tonight. WAAAAAAAYYY past time I’d planned to go home. it’s almost 1am and I haven’t studied for my test. Almost like it matters, baka test… doesn’t matter how much I study for them… =sighs= baka tests…. T_T
And as soon as I finish this week’s edition of the Critograph, I’ll put up the update. I made a special layout for the special edition section and I think it’s spiffy, at least! ^_~
Now sleepies musts I goes…. And add a cute Kerroppi to my list of to-does. ^_~ (Not a difficult one at all! LOL!)