Whelpers, dun know why, but I’m posting…
Gone to read Samuel Huntington’s The Clash of Civilizations and The Remaking of World Order. Borrowed it from my advisor when I realized he’d had it. Will start reading it a.s.a.p., WH00T! I’m actually excited about reading it. It’s controversial, but it’s the inspiration I need, whoo hoo! I think my advisor was a little taken aback by my request, however. He asked me if I didn’t have anything else to do for my other classes… -_-
And Xandra, you’re killing me! Slowly, yes, but KILLING me! MUWAHHAHA!
Okies, so yes, we have the scans in! WAI!

This is just utterly adorable! It’s Tsuzuki-inuki eating an odango! ^_^ Okay, so his ears need MAJOR work, I know. I actually barely spent time on this sketch, about 5 minutes tops. If that. ^^;; But no fears! I WILL be finishing it up! hehe… And I just realized I archived this under fanart rather than sketches… -_-

This one, however, ish finished! ^_^ It’s the Chibi-Subaru I mentioned last post, hehe! Okies, well, Trin thought it was funny T_T But Trin’s a dodo-brain! WAHAHAHAH!!!! (And yes, we’ve reverted back to kindergarten childhood…) =huggles Trin= At any rate, I think he looks adorable. ^_^
And… wandering over to Rae’s journal, we have the Hellsing quiz.. of which I haven’t taken until now.. ^^; Sometimes they’re fun just to see what I get…
But umm… I think I was a little sadistic when I took this quiz… o.O;

Which Hellsing character are you?
You’re Alucard, the vaguely evil star of Hellsing that is both revered and feared. Always ready to laugh at the weaknessess of others, you can be downright cruel. Lurking underneath all that bitterness, however, is a strong sense of justice and concern for those you care about.
Truly, amazing how things can affect you, how one’s person’s insight or perception can give new meanings. How your heart beats with the intensity of pure and utter passion, joy, delight. Of pure and utter emotion, capturing all in one all-encompassing moment. Pleasure and pain becoming one and an existence created upon existence.
Perhaps, sounds so sweet, so full, eliciting the state of all-emotion. Perhaps written, read, with capitivating insight. But all with the same; it exists. That all-emotion. It exists. And so do you. In those beautiful moments of all-emotion.
And, on a completely different and unrelated side-note: The U.S. is officially at war with Iraq. Now I’m off to find shelter within the wings of sleep and to enjoy this time of all-emotion as much as I can.
And there are many times in which one cannot find words to express something of existence because there are no words. And why? Why are there no true words to express the importance of these states?
But in them, we find freedom and peace.
Okies, so I’ve decided to post my two of my arts. One I just scanned in yesterday that I did over Spring Break, and the other is one I did back when, but had to rescan it and only got around to doing so tonight. Okies, that outta the way, I have a few things to say about both. ^_^

I did this one over the summer. It has slight, styalistic nudity. Basically, she is my sailormoon otaku character, Sailor Terra. Obviously that’s why there’s a big earth planet symbol behind her head, lol! I stylized the symbol. The whole thing was done in sharpie and crayola markers…. I’m too poor to afford anything better T_T

This one is my newest one. It features Sakurazukamori Subaru with dual colored eyes and the sakura robe. This was a commission for Xandra and was done over Spring Break. I love this pic. It’s comprised of sharpie, crayola markers, a prisma color marker for the skin tone, and colored pencil for the robe pattern. I personally feel he looks a bit too young in this pic, but I still love it nonetheless. ^_^
I will scan in my Alucard sketch sooner or later (probably tomorrow, heh) and I will hope to have all these up on Bits & Pieces soon.
Let me know what you think of the two pics! ^_^ hehe Er, um… I’m tired now… and I still have my project to finish. =sigh= The life of a college student…
And I really need to find better markers for fleshtones… I can’t stand them constantly coming out pink! T_T
Well, lookie here! One of the first real sketches I’ve been able to do in awhile. And guess what? It’s a male! WH00T! ^_^;; He’s just a tad lop-sided… but then, I just sketched him really fast, and before I could screw with it, I scaned it in and uploaded it. What do you all think? He’s slightly cute, ne? Not sure, but I may make him Sai. He’s definitely not Jorath. Although, Sai’s hair isn’t so rounded. Dunno quite yet. OU! Or he could be Tayin! He’d make a WICKED Tayin! Unless I want his hair really short or really long. OI! Decisions decisions… ^^;;

Sigh. With this done, maybe I’ve gotten over my block, ne? I had to force myself to draw Kakou. This guy… well.. slipped out! ^_^ I’m so very happy.
Now, I’d best boogy out of here and on to bed. ^_^ I hope we don’t have school tomorrow, I haven’t felt well today. Off to home, and oggling these gorgeous Japanese fanarts I printed out in color today! ^_^ Yummy YamiMatsu fanart… *_*
Okies, linkies time! KUWAH!
http://www.hatrack.com/ It’s Orson Scott Card’s site. GO THERE!
http://www.shwood.com/ Brian Brushwood, the magician’s site. Why did I link him? Cause he’s a raving Card fanatic just like me! KUWAHHAHA! ^_~
It was a pleasure meeting another Card freak, Brian! ^_~
Ou, updated cliques and blog links. Boy, I’ve been busy, ne? oh! And I’ve a new member for IR Blogs, WHOOT!
New link under Blogs… Digital Vertigo.
Gallery project almost complete, need to fix YA, LCAS updated,
uh.. yeah, and a few other things. I been a busy girly ^_~