I have lost what I was typing TWICE now! T_______T I hate loosing long paragraphs… T_T
Anyway, I’m not freaking typing it all again, instead, just enjoy the pretty art T_T One of which is a pic done for my lovely Trin. One of which is what I am sending the goddess Jen. All of which (‘cept for one) was done over the summer. All of which is NOT all I have that needs to be scanned in. Enjoy ^_~
This is a rough sketch that I wanted to do of Hisoka from Yami no Matsuei… although… he turned out looking a bit old… however, he still favors Hisoka, and as that was who I was originally attempting to sketch, I’ve stuck with him just being Hisoka rather than a random sketching, heh ^^; But still, he looks quite adorable, ne? *_*
This is a Caimyr, a variation on a draconic creature. Essentially, it is a creature I created in my Symmea of Kyorh story. I sketched this over the summer and it turned out horridly better than I had ever dreamed. This scan is actually a really bad scan. Especially when I re-sized the picture… ^^;; There are some finite detail in the sketching that just won’t show up in the scan. But for all that, it’s still a pretty wicked looking piece! ^_~
Ah yes, the elusive Harry. This is a pic I’ve been promising to show folks the moment I got to a scanner…. instead, I scanned in Indrud first. Ah! The horror! =blushes= Ah well, finally, unveiled, is my beautiful male concubine, Harry! *_* Isn’t he absolutely gorgeous?!?!?! I originally couldn’t bring myself to draw him, being as how gorgeous he is and all… but then, one day, the lines flew out of me and into the most wonderful of creations. This is merely a sketch, but soft and beautiful in its simplicity. He is meant to be in peaceful slumber giving you a soft feeling when gazing upon him… =dreamy eyes= Did I accomplish this? I hope so! Even if none of you like him, he holds special places in my heart! =sigh= Soooo loverly! *_*
This is my horrid attempt at coloring such a gorgeous picture. Now, before any of you jump down my throat about calling such utter wonderful colors horrid, let me explain. First… Harry’s hair is not supposed to be pink… >_< It's supposed to be silvery-white. The marker I had at the time dried in the worse possible way. =sigh= Then there's the face. My dears, he looks anguished. Now the pic is nice even for that, but I am disappointed in because it just doesn't have the same appeal as the sketch. I REALLY screwed up the inking around the face, getting the light and dark lines backwards. bleh. But then.... the colors on the outfit and the utter brilliance of the jewels on his belt more than make up for it and allow this rendition to be utterly stunning, putting aside personal preferences.
And this pic, my dears, is for none other than the absolutely WONDERFUL goddess, Jen! *_* It is but a scan and when I have the monies I shalt send him you’re way! mew! =molests=
And finally, but HARDLY the least, yet once more a scan in promise of the actual picture! My dear Trinity, HERE is your small, but adorably cute, Shuuichi piccy I promised! Again, the colors are more brilliant in person, but for now the scan will do. ^_~ I’ll get it to you as soon as I can, my dear! =huggles=
Ah yesh… and now, back to the drawing board… litterally… for requests for my loverlies Xandra, Di, Deathy, Rae, Amy, Nezumi, and by god, I’m sure there are more! ^^;;;