Okay, quick post to show off the stuff I’ve been working on but haven’t uploaded to DA yet. Have a few more, then gonna spam DA with updates. Anyway, here we go! Oh… and I have tons of Ends of Fate profile pictures I sketched, but wanna quick color before I show them off. Those’ll come later! Now for the arts!
Time for an image cut! Enjoy!
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Just a little update, nothing much. Kids were home for over a week for Easter Break so we split time up a lot. Trying my best to force myself to draw again. I miss it. BAD. The stress I’ve been under for so long has taken a toll on my ability TO draw… but I believe I can get back on track. Trying hard.
For that matter, I went looking for a reference photo for a piece I was thinking of. I sketched it last night and it’ll be of my Gaia Avatar for her profile page, but the idea is good enough for an art piece, so that’s my initial goal. Then the profile page, lol! Looked through Marcus Ranum‘s stock account on DA today and found a few pictures that will be nice to use to help finagle the more difficult parts of my sketch. I adore his stock photos! Much love, MUCH love!
Anyway, just taking things slowly, eating as healthy as I can, exercising as much as I can, and taking one day at a time!
And, of course, I am SO far behind in my work! IF I can get my ability to draw properly back, I have a few requests I have every intention of finalizing. I’ve got a few drawings I did awhile back that are just sitting in my art folders waiting to be finished. And I want them finished!
All in good time, of course! ^_~
I figured I should post the link to my Japanese re-armament issues thread on Gaia and show off my edited avatar here as well. ^_^
Go here to read the thread: http://rufus.go-gaia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=306633&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
and also… because it’s too kawaii NOT to show… I must show my edited avatar. I dressed her up to look like Symmea, hehe! ^_^

Let me know what you all think! ^_~ (I need to make it transparent, oi ^^;)