New Directions – Re-purposing your Focus

Often we get lost in the myriad mess of information in our daily lives.  Starting out with one idea or intention often merges into another or grows wildly out of hand.  This is true whether it is a project, process, or direction in your life.  It’s a good practice to, when this occurs, stand back and re-assess.  Is your focus specific or general?  Have you gone off course and need to start over, or have you broadened your horizons and it’s time to branch off?

Whichever is true for you, I present the case of this blog, Dreaming in Shades, as an example for tackling a project gone awry! Continue reading “New Directions – Re-purposing your Focus”

Awesome Stumblings.

Because I needed an update….

So, got behind in a few things again, but staying afloat fairly well.  Had to slow down on drawing because it started coming harder, but staying strong at least!  Should have a few art updates soonish.  The hardest has been catching up on old, promised arts, but I am getting there and HAVE gotten some drawn, which is sooooo friggin’ good!

The most important part, I think, is that I can say I actually drew something for myself!  I haven’t done that in a very, very long time.  It just feels wonderful!  Even if it was nothing special.  Even if it wasn’t a dear to my heart character.  It just felt wonderful and free!

So, expect some finished stuffs soonish.  Yoshi!  Anyway, now on to a few links to some awesome stuff while I have the chance.

I came across this in passing and was just amazed by the beauty of the layouts presented in this article.  I had been thinking lately of how “generic” most journals were becoming.  Mine own being subjected to this fault as well.  But I did want the freedom to change things up a bit, do something a little more than the norm.  These collected journals are beautiful and stunning and simply inspirational!  Magazine style FTW!

Go check them out @ Bringing the Magazine to the Web.

Also from NetTuts+, a wickedly awesome bit of coding that I’ve been waiting YEARS for!  A way to make one element have multiple borders.  No more needing to use background images for just a simple box section!  I’m planning on using this for the comments section here, for starters.  Since, apparently, I never coded it for the DiS v.15 layout.  Um… oops?

Anyway, you guys have to go check it out!  Quick Tip: Multiple Borders with Simple CSS

Mirrored from Dreaming in Shades.

The Samurai’s Wife by Laura Joh Rowland

I really like this book I am reading. I mean, I am totally rivited to it! It’s really hard for me to get into a mystery, but I really like this one! It’s called The Samurai’s Wife by Laura Joh Rowland. Mysteries are hard for me to read because I usually have already solved the case long before the end of the book. So I get bored and never finish reading them. But I honestly don’t have a clue as the the end of this one! I love it! ^_^

K-taro’s been down alot lately. I don’t mind, after all, I’m just a hostee. But it would be nice to update sometimes. =sigh= I still want my own domain. T_T

Heh, I thought of this a few minutes ago. It kinda flew past my mind while it was in mid-thought…O.O “We might as well, chat on IM, before they find a way to make us pay for that.” Sheesh, they way the world is now? They make us pay to get online. Well, that’s reasonable. Then we pay for server space. Again, reasonable because we’re taking up someone’s hardrive space. But to tax us for making purchases online when they already apply normal taxes? I mean, that’s double taxing! It’s ludicrous! =sigh= This world….

Whelps, that’s all for now. Gots to get back to making that spaghetti! ^_^ I love home-made cooking! *_*