A great loss, but a great and lasting gift.

With all the hullabaloo surrounding the outcome of the presidential election, with all the turmoil surrounding the passing of Proposition 8 in California, and with the general going-on surrounding such a historical moment in American history… I only became aware today that a brilliant man who I have always greatly and very deeply admired passed away on November 4th, 2008, Election Day.

Michael Crichton has always been a favorite author of mine, inspiring me as early as age 12, and continuing to remain so to me all these years later. Yes, I did indeed begin to read his novels when I was 12, and I redily devoured them as I got my hands on them! I always loved the ingenuity of his writings and how, though he was not a scientist per se, he was a lasting reminder of how true science fiction should be handled and written. Although his SF works were certainly fiction for the most part, they always carried those elements of possible or certain truth based solidly on the extensive amounts of research he conducted to place his novel within that modicum of reality.

His writings encouraged us to question, to seek answers, and to believe that the unbelievable could always be possible… within reason of course, and went the extra mile himself to prove to us how that might be. He gave us drama and heart, he challenged us to seek knowledge and understanding of our world and the things in it, and he reminded us of our flaws and of our very human qualities.

And most of all, he wanted us to do good by our world and our society as a whole, as evidence by the messages in his many works. I am grieved by his loss, but I know his spirit will continue to thrive within the many pages of his gifts to humanity.

Thank you, Mr. Chricton for all that you have done for us. Peace be with your family and friends who will miss you most of all.

The Samurai’s Wife by Laura Joh Rowland

I really like this book I am reading. I mean, I am totally rivited to it! It’s really hard for me to get into a mystery, but I really like this one! It’s called The Samurai’s Wife by Laura Joh Rowland. Mysteries are hard for me to read because I usually have already solved the case long before the end of the book. So I get bored and never finish reading them. But I honestly don’t have a clue as the the end of this one! I love it! ^_^

K-taro’s been down alot lately. I don’t mind, after all, I’m just a hostee. But it would be nice to update sometimes. =sigh= I still want my own domain. T_T

Heh, I thought of this a few minutes ago. It kinda flew past my mind while it was in mid-thought…O.O “We might as well, chat on IM, before they find a way to make us pay for that.” Sheesh, they way the world is now? They make us pay to get online. Well, that’s reasonable. Then we pay for server space. Again, reasonable because we’re taking up someone’s hardrive space. But to tax us for making purchases online when they already apply normal taxes? I mean, that’s double taxing! It’s ludicrous! =sigh= This world….

Whelps, that’s all for now. Gots to get back to making that spaghetti! ^_^ I love home-made cooking! *_*