Some WIP of random doodle sketchings I have done with my new Niji and Kuretake waterbrushes. They’re so much fun!
I despise this paper, though…. I would have thought the tooth would make gorgeous texture, but the paper bleeds a great deal, making details disappear. Still, it was fun painting this up! Continue reading “Watercolor Sketchingz”
I just received my very first order from JetPens. I was first introduced to waterbrushes at a past Animazement. An amazing artist in the Artist Alley had them sitting on her booth table and was so incredibly wonderful that she let me try them out! They’ve been out for years now, but I had never heard of them before. It took me a few months, but I finally was able to set about really looking into them and making a purchase. And… oh…my!
Where have you been all my life?
I chose four brushes to start with in order to see which brand I might prefer, and all of which are the medium size variety. From left to right: I chose the Pentel Aquash, Holbein, Kuretake, and Yasutomo Niji brushes. With the Niji and Kuretake brushes I had seen comments that they were similar, but no information on why, especially as they were two different prices. So I bit the bullet and bought both to compare for myself and to put the information out there for others curious about their similarities and differences.

Continue reading “Jetpens, Where Have You Been All My Life?!”
Okay, so, I couldn’t resist going ahead and showing off a few of the projects sitting on my comp atm waiting to be finished. They’re in varrying states and have been sitting for various amounts of time. =sighs= I fail, really I do… But I’m getting closed to being caught up! I have two Iruka fanart pics in this batch, but unfortunately they still have to sit on the back burner until I’m caught up with art owed to peoples… T___T Irrruuuukkaaaaaa-senseeiiiiii~~~
Continue reading “Just a few moar arts, yo~”
Okay, quick post to show off the stuff I’ve been working on but haven’t uploaded to DA yet. Have a few more, then gonna spam DA with updates. Anyway, here we go! Oh… and I have tons of Ends of Fate profile pictures I sketched, but wanna quick color before I show them off. Those’ll come later! Now for the arts!
Time for an image cut! Enjoy!
Read the rest of this entry >>
So, I decided to participate in an event on Menewsha. I offered freebies and ended up doing a total of about four of them. They were supposed to be just sketches, I swear! I don’t know how this happened… geez, but I ended up with fully inked pieces. >_< Oh well, so my idea to “do sketches as quickly as possible” backfired on me. However, I DID end up with four very lovely portraits! There are some anatomical issues with them, I know, but I kept telling myself that I wasn’t suppose to worry too much over them, just get them DONE! Ah well….
Anyway… in order of first to last, here they are! (These are the smaller, sig sized ones I made available.) Enjoy!
Continue reading “YEEE HAW!!!! And we have MOAR ARTS!”
So, something has happened that has never happened before! lol! My work got accepted at Epilogue! =promptly dies= I’ve been trying for, well, ever since I joined, but every work I submitted always got denied. I can’t blame them. I mean, they had their evident flaws… but at the time they were my best works. The piece I submitted two days ago is actually about 3-4 years old now, but still one, if not THE best of my traditional art pieces… and it got the green check of acceptance! For the first time ever, thar be art in my drawers! er… gallery! =spazzes=
Feel free to go check it out: TasiaChiba @
I did this for someone on Menewsha because they were INCREDIBLY nice to me and sent me an awesome newbie package. I was so impressed by their kindness and generosity, even when they thought it wasn’t all that big a deal, that I just had to do something for her! This is Jennifer of Menewsha’s avatar and I really, REALLY hope she likes it!!!
I likes teh hair, YUMMMM!!!

For a MUCH larger viewing version, cleeeeek here: RAWR!
In later news…. MOAR ARTS ON TEH WAY! YARRRR!!!
In case you have missed the memo… I am arting again! =cheers and shouts with joy= To share just what I have been working on, here’s a few… just a taste! I plan on keeping this up…. I must! I can’t go back to long periods of nothing… never again! So, say hello to some avatar arts I’ve done for me and my family, and some WIPs done for my sis and an art trade with Elegant Feather Duster of Menewsha! wh00t!


And… I have a few more WIPs that I haven’t even uploaded. It’s a miracle, really! =glows with delight=
And yeah, I know… all different sizes, lol! But hey, I just wanted to show it all off!
Now… off to go fix some supperz, YARRRH!
Just a little update, nothing much. Kids were home for over a week for Easter Break so we split time up a lot. Trying my best to force myself to draw again. I miss it. BAD. The stress I’ve been under for so long has taken a toll on my ability TO draw… but I believe I can get back on track. Trying hard.
For that matter, I went looking for a reference photo for a piece I was thinking of. I sketched it last night and it’ll be of my Gaia Avatar for her profile page, but the idea is good enough for an art piece, so that’s my initial goal. Then the profile page, lol! Looked through Marcus Ranum‘s stock account on DA today and found a few pictures that will be nice to use to help finagle the more difficult parts of my sketch. I adore his stock photos! Much love, MUCH love!
Anyway, just taking things slowly, eating as healthy as I can, exercising as much as I can, and taking one day at a time!
And, of course, I am SO far behind in my work! IF I can get my ability to draw properly back, I have a few requests I have every intention of finalizing. I’ve got a few drawings I did awhile back that are just sitting in my art folders waiting to be finished. And I want them finished!
All in good time, of course! ^_~
Faaabjulous Quote ~ "Life sucks, then get Luvs."
So, I may not have gotten any new or old arts uploaded yet, but they are definitely on their way. It seems my artblock has finally lifted! Par-TAY peoplez, wh00t! But I’m taking it slow and not rushing it, rather than forcing it and it seems to be working out for the best. Before I start to upload those other arts, I want to first upload some bookmarks I’m offering for sale.
Snape fans flock around! Bookmarks for sale! These are individually inked and colored (no computer printings at all) and are 2.1 in x 6 in. They all have their own individual look, so you can be sure that no other will have one exactly like your’s! They will also be numbered individually. There are only 9 of them, so get them while they’re hot. They are $15 a piece, however, the first two people to purchase one will get their’s at $10. This will also be cross-posted at my DeviantArt Journal.
Bookmark’s will be shipped within a day or two after I have received payment. (Most likely it will just be the day after, UNLESS it’s the weekend.) I take paypal and will consider check/money order if absolutely necessary.
Shipping will be $1 for First Class within the U.S. Shipping outside the U.S. will depend on the country of destination. (Shouldn’t be much more than $1 for most, though, and some will be no different.) If you require a different shipping, let me know and I will quote you a price.
SOLD: 3 // Remaining: 6
Preview Images – (The photo snap shot has sepia over-tones. The second image shows the true color.):