Welcome! If you're here, then it means you want to draw one of my darling, dear dear charas! Please, then, simply click on a thumbnail or link to view the profile to see if this is an original chara you're interested in drawing. Each thumbnail tends to have at least one really good picture as reference. If the character is a link, it means even I have not yet drawn that darling creation a lovely! Would you be the first? Or do you simply need a challenge? There are enough here to choose from, and perhaps one meets your own particular tastes! ^_~

All characters here are free to be drawn for me, licked, humped, tasted, whatever you please, as long as you don't try to steal them as your own! But your own characters are free to interact! I'd always like to see what comes from imagination. If you desire to write anything, please feel free! And to all who would like to "play" with my characters, please remember to credit me! My bebe's luff me just as much as I luff them. They don't mind being loaned out, as long as their mum is respected! ^_^ =kuu=

For the record, my top bebe's are Symmea, Harry, and Tayin. I love all the rest but those have just wormed their way deep into my heart. =huggles tight=

More OC's coming as I finish their thumbnails and profiles. ^_~
Symmea of Kyorh:


Singles, in order of fave->least:

Mah Bebe's:

The Light of Florne Ghana:
