Age: 18
Hair: Golden-brown
Eyes: Amber-gold

Be prepared! Currently, my drawings of Symmea are YEARS old!!! You're better off looking at the "Fanart" first! >_<;;; =is shot=

Symmea has silky, golden brown hair to her waist that she often wears gathered behind her head to keep it out of her face. When she is in her royal attire, it is always down and usually covered by a matching headdress of many ribbons. Her eyes range from an amber-gold to a blue color. The effects of this range from emotions to particular lighting. The amber-gold color will often pick up on surrounding ambient lighting and "change" colors, but this is mostly an illusion.

Reference Pictures:
My Current Best Ref//X//X//X//X//X//X//X//X//X//

The first one here is the best EVAR! *_*
X// X// X// X//

She is the main character of Symmea of Kyorh. Symmea was a stroke of inspiration for me developed on the spur of a moment by the creation of a small sketch at something like 3 or 4 am in the morning. It wasn't much, especially considering how tired I was (I really should learn to draw in the day time, lol), but something spoke out to me and I named her. I've drawn sketches of people all my life and only a rare few are ever named, if any. The rest of the story just flowed from there. It may not have been too developed, but a deep plot had already formed and so I hurried to sketch those ideas down as well.

Symmea is a lonely young woman who grew up in a Catholic bording school, prominantly known among the upperclass of the world during the 1900s. Symmea is an orphan who's mother died while she was but a child, leaving her in the care of the Reverend Mother at the school with a promise to take care of her daughter. So bound in oath, Symmea was not sent away to an orphanage and grew up around the Sisters and the various children who attend the school. She was not denied to privilege to study and therefore attends to school with the other students. But her status in life is made blatantly obvious to her by the other students. And though they attempt to break her spirit, she continues everyday with a smile and hope for better things.

Symmea is more than what she seems, however. She is the daughter of the Queen of vast Kyorh, a kindom of greater earth in the far and distant future. Her mother was injured in a war of dominion, and knowing that her daughter would be killed if she remained, Rhayna took her daughter to the one place she knew she would be safe; the past. Near death, her last words were to bind the nun she met in an oath to protect and care for her daughter.

Symmea's strength and character rely on her simplicity. She embues a quiet determination, and although she may seem a weak character at first, she quickly proves to even herself that she has a great strength.

In the ways she treats her friends, strangers, and people, she exemplifies the requirements for the Great Queen. She strives not to place herself above others, but to exist in harmony with all.