Age: 27
Hair: Mousy blonde to olive green

Nehl is tall and lithe. He has slightly shaggy, wavy blonde hair that fades to an olive green. He has midnight-blue eyes and enjoys wearing Punk, Casual dress, and ceremonial robes. He is of the Durai peoples, having their elegant features and slightly elongated facial features and body.

Reference Pictures:

none so far

He is the official “head” of the Durai. The community is governed by a Council of Elders, but it is to Nehl that important and final decisions to be made are brought. He is the one in charge of passing any and all major decisions regarding their race. This position is carefully chosen at birth by the Head Priest.

Doll References:
These are avatar "dolls" from various sites to help visualize what my OC may look like. Please keep in mind that sometimes features, such as hair and markings, may not translate well. (Avatars are most likely from GaiaOnline, Menewsha, and Ernya.)
ACK! I just noticed that allll of these have brown eyes... >_< Nehl has Midnight Blue eyes. Will fix later!