Age: 26
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Brown

Ruke has an outwardly stand-offish appearance. She wears leathers and is proficient in daggers. She has boy-cut blonde hair and coffee colored eyes.

Reference Pictures:
X//dissappeared! O_O//

none so far

Ruke is a 26 year old theif. Born on the streets themselves to a prostitute, the fact that she is alive is beyond amazing. Her father is unknown and her mother kicked her out on the streets at age 8. Three years later, her mother died, leaving Ruke stranded completely with no sense of belonging anywhere. Homelss, too young to find substantial work, and near death, she promised herself she would not die, not on these cold and forbidding streets. Ruke discovered she had an inate ability to steal. It was more-or-less amazing stealth, but definitely suited to theivery.

When Symmea and Ruke first meet, Ruke can only see a soft, naive child. In fact, she thinks Symmea is no more than a joke. When she leaves, she believes she will never see Symmea again. If she had decided to stay with Symmea then, she would have taken much longer to trust her fully. As it happened, her escape paved the way for Symmea to prove her own worth.

At the inn, when Barook held Ruke captive, it was Symmea that saved her life, proving her physical strength, which Ruke admired, by breaking Barook's arm. And more than the physical show of strength, Ruke was impressed the most by her care to save her life, without asking nothing in return.