Age: 17
Hair: Platinum Blonde-White
Eyes: Clear Blue

Quiet, kind, tender, sweet, he loves everyone, believes in good will, and is innately sensitive. He is elegant and congenial. He is really adept at making nearly anyone smile and happy. Although his personality is the same as his outward appearance, few know that he also exhibits great inner strength. He is determined and to some degree stubborn, standing up for those he believes in and would trade places with anyone he felt in trouble. Behind his beautiful exterior is a highly intelligent young man, educated, and brilliant.

Reference Pictures:

X// X// X// X// X// X// X//

At the tender age of 8, Harry watched his parents murdered, branded as traitors, and was sent to the palace as a gift to the young prince. Too young for the prince Athecious, but showing promise, he is placed in the emperor's harem to be cared for as he grows older. But this is far from the end of his story!

Doll References:
These are avatar "dolls" from various sites to help visualize what my OC may look like. Please keep in mind that sometimes features, such as hair and markings, may not translate well. (Avatars are most likely from GaiaOnline, Menewsha, and Ernya.)