Never Ending Fanfic
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Chapter 4
Meanwhile, somewhere in the aft section of the ship, Ihrlie confronts Kevin.

"Alright, just what are your intentions with Fam?" Ihrlie asks angrily.

"My intentions?" a puzzled Kevin responds.

"INTENTIONS! What do you plan to do with her!" Ihrlie continues almost at the end of her rope.

Kevin releases a heavy sigh and thinks of how he should answer.

"You better listen to me BUCKO! If you break her heart…so help me god…the dark ones will be but a vacation compared to me and 5 minutes with this fork!" Ihrlie promises Kevin as she holds the pointed instrument to his … um… nether regions. Needless to say, she had his undivided attention.

"I would sooner die than hurt her! Take that as gospel. There is nothing in this world I desire more than a substantive relationship with her." He answers staring her straight in the eye.

"Good, now…" Ihrlie begins but is interrupted by Kevin.

"But, I don't dare. Actually… things have gone further than I had hoped."

"What the hell do you mean FURTHER!?" demands Ihrlie.

"It's not what you think…or at least what I suspect you think." Kevin begins. "You see, I fear she has already has deep feelings for me."

"And the problem is?" she pushes.

"Back in our world…I'm married." confesses Kevin. " If there is even a remote chance that we can return, I can't allow things to progress. I'm afraid that despite my best intentions, it may already be too late."

Ihrlie grins and begins to laugh.

"I'm glad you find my misery humorous. I just thought you cared more for Fam than this." Kevin retorted.

Grabbing Kevin by the throat and pulling him out of the chair, Ihrlie angrily states "Listen asshole! Who the hell are you to say squat about my friendship with Fam! You didn't have to listen to her crying herself to sleep for four months after Lyle ignored her! I do not want to see her go through that again, so much so that I'm willing to sacrifice the friendship to protect her."

"I guess you and I are much alike." Kevin says reflecting on the harsh irony. "I feel for her so much that I would rather see her happy with someone else than miserable with me… even though the thoughts of living without her would kill me."

"You can tell her this." Ihrlie calmly states almost warmer now. "Believe me, she has fallen for you in a BIG way. Besides, you are not married here, nor can you EVER return. You see, you survived the trip here…but your bodies didn't."

"You've lost me. We lived but our bodies didn't?" Kevin inquires puzzled.

"Right." Ihrlie clarifies. "Your bodies were killed in the explosive transfer. You were given these bodies to house your consciousness, memories and souls. Consider yourselves reborn. Because of this, you can't return. No bodies to return to."

Kevin considers the bittersweet news. It is a little much to consider all at once.

"Ihrlie, I'd like to be alone for a bit. I have much to consider. I have to figure out how to tell everyone in a gentle and humane way."

"I understand." She says as she makes her way back to the group.

"And Ihrlie." Kevin says stopping her.

"Hrm?" she asks.

"Thank you. Fam is very lucky to have such a good friend. Please smooth things over with her. Seeing you two fight just breaks my heart…especially knowing that I am the cause." Kevin says almost mournful.

For the first time, Ihrlie sees Kevin in a new light. More mature and stronger than ever before. She realizes Fam will be in good hands with him.

Alone, Kevin mourns the loss of everything he was. How strange to mourn one's own passing. In some perverse way, it's a bit funny. Unfortunately, Kevin didn't feel like laughing or smiling right now.

Meanwhile, back in the mess hall, one of the crew barges in with some terrible news. "Captain! Crystannia is in ruins! Nothing stands!"

Belldandy slowly leaned herself forward. Her body gently pressed itself against the soft, intractable object before her. Angling her head ever so slightly to one side, Bell pursed her lips. Her eyes closed for just a moment.

" Thank you for being so kind," she said with all the gentleness of a calm breeze at springtime. " It was most generous of you to offer us this assistance."

" Your welcome, " replied a voice from under a flowing mop of crimson." I'm just glad I happened by when I did. Its quite a distance to the next town." Kazami Mizuho smiled as she glanced at her passengers via the rear view mirror. Casually brushing aside several playful strands of hair, Mizuho leaned over and whispered to Belldandy.

"Is your friend alright? He has been so silent the last few miles."

Bell lowered her eyes. Scott HAD been very quiet. More so than usual. It started shortly after the fortuitous happenstance of acquiring a ride. For no explicable reason, Scott looked off towards the distant horizon and stopped talking.

Bell knew deep in her heart what was wrong. Though she no longer possessed most of her former powers, having given them up long ago, she was still keenly aware of Scott's predicament. She had wanted to tell him earlier, feeling it to be the most prudent course of action, but she couldn't bring herself to do so. Perhaps now would be....?

' NO! ' Bell told herself rather forcefully, so much so it momentarily scared her. ' He has been through so much already! Wait for the proper moment.'

" Is something wrong, Bell? "

Scott's question snapped the young woman back to reality. Quickly falling back onto her seat, Bell smiled warmly at him and politely denied any inconveinience. Mizuho regarded them both warily. It wasn't like Belldandy to be so...evasive. At least not before... Scott looked back at the great mountain range far off to his left. Crowned by vaporous apparitions, their snow capped granduer could not be avoided. Scott sighed.

" It's alright, Bell. I've been dead before."

Bell looked at him in shock. He seemed so...casual ...about the entire matter. Most people would have reacted much more emotionally to the revelation. " I guess Kevin will be be releaved at least." Bell noticed a slight smile appear on Scott's face. " Of course, how the others will take the news...." His voice trailed off into the wind.

" How long....? " Belldandy began, still surprised at her guests rather quiet candor. Scott looked at her. " I think I always knew. Like a nagging feeling that just wouldn't be placated."

" I'm sorry." Bell said quietly. " I should have told you."

Scott shrugged his shoulders with a surprising air of indifference.

" Don't worry about it. Thats just the way life is sometimes. You just pick yourself up and trundle onward. "

Mizuho was impressed. Living with someone in much the same predicament had been most educational. You either met life head-on and beat it, or you ran away in fear. Whoever this friend of Belldandy's was, he seemed quite the astute observer of the world.

" Still, I should have been honest with you." Bell protested ever so gently. " It wasn't right of me to hide the truth from you this long."

" Hmph!" Scott snorted laughingly, " I fail to see what difference it would have made. In the long run anyway." He could see Bell move to speak. Reacting instinctively, Scott reached over and placed his hand atop Bell's as they rested on her lap and smiled at her.

" You have been far too generous already, you need not apologize for any indiscretion on my behalf. " Bell felt a flush of emotion she had not experienced for some time now surge through her body. Though she tried to hide it, Bell's cheeks were as warm and as bright as a tomato. A fact not lost on Miss Kazami.

"Thank you." Bell said softly, her face as serene as anyone had seen of late. ' If nothing else', Mizuho thought to herself as she watched both the road and her guests ,' at least she's coming out of that self-imposed shell she's been in for more than a year now.' Mizuho looked down at her side. The neatly wrapped package rustled softly in the breeze. Soon she would reach her destination and her guests would be safely on their way.

Then the fun would really begin.

Mizuho smiled deliriously to herself. ' Just you wait, Kei dear' , Mizuho laughed,' tonight will most definitly be priority one for me.' Neither she nor her passengers conciously aware of the plumes of smoke rising ominously before them.

"Your bodies were killed in the explosive transfer. You were given these bodies to house your consciousness, memories and souls. Consider yourselves reborn. Because of this, you can't return. No bodies to return to." The last thing he was able to recieve before his brain went numb. For scientific accuracy passive experiment #1, listening to broadcast thoughts, was a success, but Rory had already forgotten what he was doing. "Dead," he mumbled,"what will Mom do?" Wandering aimlessly he found himself on the deck, from there he left the ground behind rising quickly on black feathered wings, running away again, running from the hurt, only this time he was seeking solus in the sky. Tears scoured away by the wind, he was as far from his troubles as he could get before he had taken wing, but that gave him no comfort, he was running faster than he had ever run but that gave him no pride, the the empityness around him only made the empityness inside all the colder.

Miles away but closing fast were the shadows, eyes like glowing embers, drawn to the briliant radiance of emotion asending the sky on dark wings. Unnoticed they flew so close the expresion of sarrow was clearly visible in the starlight. They approached from below, their eyes shining dimly, appearing to be campfires far below, untill he realized they were moving the wrong way.

"So you have come to join me in my misery," he asked the speechless throng below him, interlopers to his solitude. "Come closer you heartless bastards, embrace me," he whispered, falling toward them with wings and arms outstreached feeling almost like ending it. They rushed up six of them grappling him, arms, legs, wings, all held fast. "Share my pain," he whispered pushing his sarrow into each of them, through the links they had created by grasping him. Their reaction was instant and terrible, as they commenced an unearthly wailling , sounds dreadged up from the very bowels of Hell, a keening, moaning, shrieking sound that was instantly a thousand voices expressing pain and a single voice crying in the night.

"Now burn motherfuckers, BURN!" Flames of blue and white streaked forth from each outstreached hand enveloping each of them in turn as they plummited with him from the sky. Covered in ash from the six that had held him, and the 12 beneith him that could not escape the flames he looked longingly at the one which beat a hasty retreat into the night, "Damn, I missed one, I hope it wont bother anyone else," he whispered to himself. Then the strain caught up with him, emotionally battered, he was unable to maintain contiousness, just before he blacked out he aimed his descent at a waterfall far below.

Motoko watched unbeleiving as a black winged figure plummeted into the pond beneath the waterfall. As she pulled it from the water seconds later, she realized it was the ronin who had faught kennyo with her days before, and he was still breathing.

Crystania, once a town of grandeur, now little more than a ruin. Our travelers, assisting the crew of the Crusade, comb the remains for survivors. Rory, since he has spent the most time dwelling on his power and therefore has developed his the most, instructs everyone on how to use their powers to heal the victim's wounds.

"I was hoping this would never be a ruin for us to explore." Ihrlie comments quite melancholy. Fam, able to sense the spirits of those who did not survive, trembles in fear and sorrow. Kevin puts his arm around her trying to console his love. He is only moderately successful. The town is far more fortunate than some before as very few perished. As the survivors begin to come around, a very worried Fam begins to ask a question of them.

"Excuse me. Where is the dark elf that resides here?" asks an obviously worried Fam.

"When the dark ones attacked, we evacuated her to the cave at the mouth of the mountain pass." A weakened woman answers. "I pray she is alright. She is our guardian."

"Guardian?" Amy comments. "If she is your guardian, then how did this happen?"

"She protects us from ill weather." An elderly man replies. "We rely on our fishing trade for survival. This attack…was not natural. She tried to defend us, but they were too much for even her."

Suddenly, a series of horns sound, announcing the arrival of several riders on horseback.

"The lady returns!" several citizens gleefully cry.

As the Dark elf dismounts, Fam excitedly runs toward her.

"Aunt Geizelle!! Thank goodness you are ok!" Fam shouts as she and the elf embrace. "I was so worried about you!"

The travelers stand in collective shock, then turn to look at Kevin.

"I had no idea." a puzzled Kevin professes.

"Neither did I.." an equally puzzled Ihrlie agrees.

"Aunt Geizelle, I wish to introduce you to my friends." an excited Fam says. "This is Pam, Amy, Ihrlie, Rae, Stacey, Kristen, Brian, Adam, Rory and Jon."

"Honored to make your aquaintence." A very regal Lady Geizelle replies.

"Scott, Dan, Robert, Andrew and Lindsey are still missing." Fam continues as she walks up to Kevin and takes hold of his arm. "This, aunt Geizelle, is Kevin."

Fam then beckons her to bend so she can whisper something in her ear, "He is very special to me."

The dark elf takes a moment to look him over almost as if he was a used car for sale. After a brief review, she takes his hand saying, "Very pleased to meet you. I trust you have been looking after my dearest Fam."

"To the best of my ability, my lady." Kevin replies bowing. "Unfortunately, as of late, she has been looking after me."

"Yes, I can sense the poison within you." Geizelle observes. "I must say I am surprised that you haven't healed each other yet."

"My lady." Adam begins. "With all due respect, we tried. Alas we were unable to heal ourselves." Lady Geizelle chuckles slightly.

"You weren't listening to me." she comments. "I said you heal each other… not yourselves." With this new revelation, Adam hesitantly extends a hand over Kevin's abdomen, closes his eyes and concentrates. Suddenly, there is a bright glow within Kevin's belly. The glowing orb then raised up through the surface of his skin and dissolves. Kevin is cured. Suddenly everyone is healing everyone else until eventually all are healed.

Pam kneels before the dark elf.

"Thank you, my lady." she offers. "I was not sure how much longer my companions would have survived without your input."

"They wouldn't have perished." Geizelle states. "Your new bodies can't be killed so easily."

"Huh?" several in the group utter.

With this, Kevin gives a heavy sigh and then proceeds to relay the fact as presented to him by Ihrlie. Some are hurt, some had an idea of this before, generally they all realize how much sense it makes now.

"Come now. You are my guests, and as such are deserving of the best hospitality that can be mustered under these circumstances." The dark elf exclaims. " I shall arrange accommodations for all of you. Fam, if you and …umm…Kevin…If you and Kevin would join me, we have some things to discuss."

Meanwhile as all of that happened above.....

Out beyond the great, deep forest lies a dark, desolate land full of chaos and ruthlesness. A land so chaotic no normal being will be sane in a couple of hours. It is a land where the dark ones live. Everywhere seems to be like hell. Full of monsters and demonic beings. In the middle of this terrible land lies a huge castle. The castle looms over the land like a big mountain. Dark clouds loom around the top of the castle with violent perception all around. It has many towers all around the castle walls and on the interior. In one of those lies one of the missing LCAS members: Andrew.

Andrew lies in the jail cell of the tower, unconciously. Not knowing where he is or what brought him here. Then he started to wake up and rise in sitting position.

"Oh. Oi. Where am I?," says Andrew. He looks around and sees that he is in a sort of a type of cell. Then he hears some noise coming from outside of the cell door. He crawls back to a wall, fearing of what is coming in. Then the door opens and one of the dark ones guards came in to hold the door open for what seems to be one of the lower leaders of the dark ones. He dresses in a weird armor like you see in Warcraft. In one of his hands is a strange looking whip. Andrew doesn't like the way it looks as the dark leader comes closer to him.

"Well, well, well. It seems that our little human has woken up." says the dark leader. Then he unravels his whip. "Now that you are awake. I would like for you is to tell me something."

"Wh-wh-what would that be?" says Andrew servously.

"Well for one thing I would like for you to tell me all of your human friends little secrets." says the dark leader.

"Uh. What little secrets?" says Andrew. Confused of what he was talking about. Is he talking about his friends or the human race in this world?

"*Groans.* Wrong answer, human." says the dark leader. He struck Andrew with his whip and when it sruck him, it sent an electrical shock to him, causing him to scream as he is in terrible pain.

"Now. Will you tell about all of your secrets about your defenses, your secret weapons, where you hide your special magic?" asks the dark leader getting ready to strick again.

Andrew is confused of what he is talking about. Then he thinks he is talking about the one in this world and not his. "I don't know, man. I'm not from around here."

"*groans.* Wrong answer again, human." the dark leader says and struck Andrew again and he screams in pain as the shock sends him to the wall. "You weak, pathetic human. I don't know why the lord is even bothered to take over your world. You humans are too weak to even fight against. Now I ask you again, what are the weaknesses of your defenses?" He kneels down to Andrew hoping for an answer.

Andrew tries to get up from the shock he was put up from the dark leader. He looks up to him and says, "Look, I told you before. I don't fucking know. I am not from around here."

The dark leader growls under his breath and then kicks him in the head which made Andrew fly up and landed on the ground on his back. Andrew puts his hands on his face as the blow really hurt him. Then the dark leader starts to head out, but then as he starts to head out of the door he stops and turns around to Andrew as Andrew was getting up. "Hehe. Well it doesn't matter anyway. We'll still be able to destroy your pathetic race whether or not we know about your weaknesses. You humans are weak and pathetic and doesn't even desearve to exist." Then he laughs out loud as he heads out and then the guard slams the door and locks it up.

Andrew gets up on his two feet. A little woozy from the torture the dark leader gave him. "sighs. Man, this is some messed up world we're in." He sits down against the wall and starts to think. "Now, how the hell did I get here." As he thinks about it, all of a sudden he remembers the fight that he and his friends were in against the dark ones. He remembers that he tried to fight against them as much as he can, but unable to use his powers since he doesn't know he even has them or he can't bring them out. Then he sees Scott got hit by one of the dark ones and flys out to the distance. Andrew tries to rescue him and fight off the dark ones, but they were too strong and then one of them bonked him on the head really hard and it made him slowly become unconcious, but still be able to see that one of them grabed him and took him away.

As he remembers all of that, he starts to become angry. "My god. How can I let them get Scott and take me away? I can't believe myself." He gets up and hits the wall. "God damn it! I can't fucking beleive it! *Groans* Why can't I use my powers? How come they can use them, but I can't! I cannot fucking belive it. Grrrr." He walks around the cell as he brings himself down. "*Groans.* I am such an idiot. Why do I have to be the weaker one in the group? This is just great." Then he sits down on the wall and puts his head down on his knees.

Then he hears some noise coming from outside the window. He gets up and comes up to the window. As he looks out, he became horrified at the sight. It's as if it is straight from the Lord of the Rings movies. He sees a whole bunch of the darks ones outside. "Oh my god. There has got to be thousands, maybe millions of them. What are they doing?" As he keeps looking his knowledge starts to kick in. From watching a whole lot of sci-fi, fantasy, and war movies makes him realized. "My god. It looks like they are preparing for an invasion. Oh man."

He looks away from the window, puts his back on the wall, and slids down to sit. "Oh, man. I don't like this at all. I hope my friends will come and rescue me form this place. But what if they don't know where I am? What if they can't find me? Then I guess I have to figure out on how to get the hell out of here. But I don't know how to use my powers. If I can't use my powers then I can't. *groans* Great. Just perfect. *sighs* My only hope is too have a little faith and hope that my friends will find me and rescue me." He gets up and looks out of the window. "Oh man. Why does our meeting have to be in that once in a lifetime phenomenon that will get us transported to here? *sighs.* I miss my family. I wish I can go back home soon and see my family again."

Go Back :: Chapter 5

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