sorry it took me so long to get this out. blame computer problems and thanksgiving break. it messed me all up. anyway, here is the next part of the all thrilling and completely "serious" fanfic that has come to be known as *insert drum roll here (if not too lazy*... the drunken luna bar and grill. insert disclaimer. the regular warning applies (which i am too lazy to re-type up), with a few additional additions: if you are offended by the following, do not continue reading: -Fushigi Yugi -Revolutionary Girl Utena -random nonSM characters -random SM fans interacting with SM characters -random SM fans interacting with characters other than SM characters -random SM fans interacting with characters other than SM characters WHILE interacting with SM characters -oddly dressed fast food items -Wicked -cats -people jumping around in mini-skirts shouting out strange phrases - stick figures -etc. ... -people who use etc. ... you get the point. Special Guests: ... well, you're just going to have to wait and see, now won't you? the drunken luna bar and grill, part 4 ----------------------------------------- setting: outside the bar (still) The world of sailor moon stood up utter chaos. Not one character could remember anything, not their birthday, not their favorite color, not who they were, or when "that time of the month" was for them. They are all now reduced to stick-figure-anime characters with anmesia. DiCMan, now having proudly reduced all the characters to unidentifable stick figures, is completely satisfied that he had done his duty to "protect" the youth of american. he pats himself on the back and congradulates himself on a job well done. Now, with nothing left to do but go find some other poor anime show to pick on, he grabbed a nearby dirtduster and flew off into the poorly animated sunset with his supertight spandex. Then, there is silence. More confused silence. <10 MINUTES LATER> Silence. <15 MINUTES LATER> A few crickets chirp, but mainly it's really silent. <1 HOUR LATER> You have three guesses and the first two don't count what's happening. (Here's a hint: Silence) Oh, what the hell... <3 HOURS, 32 MINUTES, AND 29 SECONDS LATER> Suddenly (if you can call it that), the silence of the confusion and amnesia is disrupted by the annoying sound of insane cackling. A few moments later, the source of the cackling is found as Tamahome runs through the group of confused SM characters (still cackling insanely) carrying an oreo mcflurry which is oddly dressed as the rose bride. Tamahome runs over a few stick figures, who may or may not have been the outer scouts (but if could have just as easily as been Luna, Tuxedo Mask, or Chibiusa... have you ever tried telling stick figures apart before?! it's nearly impossible i tell ya!). After Tamahome disappears, he is shortly followed by a raging Nebula swinging her sword around shouting for Tamahome to get back her and bring back her bara no mcflurry (bara no bride=rose bride, bara no mcflurry=the mcflurry version of the rose bride). Nebula, not noticing the stick figure characters, runs over them just as Tamahome had done. The stick figures don't know much, but they are soon realizing that they do not enjoy being trampeled on. Then there is a sudden THUD in the center of the stickfigure anime characters. A grumpy Wicked gets up, grumbling, and barely noticing the assumed stick figure Sailor Moon (if the yellow odangos are any hint to the stick figure's true identity). Noticing the odangos in front of her, Wicked (being the quick thinker she is) realizes what is going on... Wicked: *grumbles* Not again! *pulls out a handy-dandy remote, pushes the only button and suddenly Nebula appears, sitting on the caught Tamahome and eating her recaptured bara no oreo mcflurry* Nebula: Hey! That's my remote! *Wicked smiles that wicked smile which gives good reason to her name* Wicked: Never mind that! Look what DiCMan did! Nebula: Oooooooohhhhh... Not again! This is the third time this week! *complains for bit and then lets out a sigh* Well, you know the drill. Wicked, get my fansubs. Tamahome, start the popcorn, and for dios's sake, everyone who DOES NOT KNOW WHO THEY ARE walk into the bar... *points towards the bar* TRAILER: *omnious music plays* what will happen next? will the anime characters regain their memory? will they ever recovering from stick-figuredom? and if so, will they take revenge of DiCMan? and for dios's sake, why is there a mcflurry dressed up as the rose bride?! and who the heck is dios anyway? nebula