Sailor Starr: The begining

This story starts in a galaxy called Coran. A king and Queen now have a baby. And so it beginnings here.

       "She took long enough didn't she, my King?" Says a woman laying in a satin bed. She has white hair and Amber eyes. In her arms was a baby girl with brown hair and amber eyes. Right now the baby was sleeping peacefully. Sitting on the bed beside the woman was the King her husband.
        He had brown hair, blue eyes and floating beside him glowed a orb. He touched the Queen's cheek. "Yes, she did. She will look like you, my love." He then looks down at the baby in her arms."What should we name her?"
         "Well. Last night I dreamed about your lost ancestor Sailor Starr. You remember her? She was the one who went to the Moon Kingdom and came back when it was attacked. Then we they got there it was to late so she used the Star Orb to be reborn with the other Scouts. Anyway I saw our baby and then I saw her older. This older her changed into Sailor Starr. So I want to name her after Sailor Starr. Her name shall be Angel."
         "That is a perffect name for her. Our little Angel." The king says.
            *                 *                       *                      *                            *                      *
        The queen and king were outside sitting in a field watching a little girl playing. The smile as their little Angel plays. The little girl had brown hair and amber eyes. Her hair was in a French braid and she had a white roman looking gown on. On the little girls wrist there was silver bracelets. Her name was Angel.
         Angel runs across a purple frog in the field. Angel looks at it and smiles. She turns to her mother and father. "Mommy, Daddy I found a purple froggy." She then turns back toward the frog. She trys to get colser and it hops away. She starts to chase. It leads her to a small pool and stops. Angel jumps at it but the frog jumps away at the last mintue. She fallls right into the water.
         Her parents run to her aid. When they get there Angel was laughing and splashing water. Both parents laugh. The king picks her up out of the water and covers her with the picnic blanket.
                *                         *                              *                            *                           *
         A few days later a disaster occurs that changes little Angel's life forever. The planet Coran for some reason explodes. Before it exploded her father sent her to their closes allies with the help of the Star Orb. Their closes allies was a neighboring kingdom called Flevie. And this is where she starts her adventures as Sailor Starr and where she starts looking for the other Sailor Scouts..
