Accepted document attachments:
.TXT - plain text
.HTML - HTML files are acceptable if zipped before hand
Check List
1. Give the TITLE
2. Give your NAME
3. Give your E-MAIL (IF you want others to e-mail you.)
4. Give the CHAPTER/EPISODE/PART as aplicable
5. Give the TITLE with the chapter/episode/part you are submitting
Ratings are a must. Please use the following to rate your fic. Poetry needs no rating.
G: General audience accepted.
PG: Parental Guidence, minor viloence and languguage.
PG-13: Parental guidence for those under 13, intells graphic violence, profanity, and minor sexual references.
R: Restricted to those under 17, intells extreme violence, strong profanity, and greater sexual references.
H: Hentai, all fics with indepth sexual scenes will be here.
Other info:
1. Please, no capitals for your attachment names.
2. Please attach your files before sending them.
3. Please zip files if sending HTML files.
4. Please word wrap your documents.
5. Please clarify the rating of your fanfic.
Especially for any Hentai.