Chaper 2 Part 1
Sailor Moon Wish
Chapter 2:
In front of the school a girl in a black dress looked the main door.
" A new senshi power is awakening... it can interfere with my
plans... Wishingstar, you make wishes true for the people, but you'll
never make true your own wish. I should intervene, I can't trust in
this stupids youmas.
Hikarii was almost falling asleep in class. SHe opened one eye as
Alexandra walked in, and then dozed off again. She suddenly sat up
though, looking at the window. //An old enemy? Not.. could it be?
I had hoped she wouldn't follow me here...//
Nozomi looked up. some thing was troubling her friend, "what's
wrong?" SHe asked softly.
Hikarii looked at Nozomi, and shook her head, "Iie, nothing..." She
looked at the window.
"Your lieing." Nozomi stated simply.
Alexandra shifted nervously in the back of the class, looking around.
She felt more than one strange power here...
Hikarii blinked looking at Nozomi, "Well... it's just that... I have
the feeling that a new enemy has arrived... one I would have
preffered stayed away from here..." She shut up, as the teacher
glared at her.
Haruka just stood there staring.
Nozomi frowned heavily, "so many enemies... and my memories are being
strange... " She shok her head.
"Strange?" Wispered Hikarii.
Nozomi nodded, "I have three memories of my tenth birth dayy.. each
one diffrent.. it's confusing.."
Alexandra looked around at the people, her crimson eyes
curious. //They're awfully friendly with each other...// She looked
out the window.
Hikarii tried concentrating on her work, and sighed as she finished
her essay, pushing her seat away from the desk slightly.
Nozomi had been completely baffled. it was in about three diffrent
laugnages... but she sighed and handed it in.
Kaen wrote his essay quickly, but beautifully, and handed it in.
Hikarii gave her essay in, just as the bell rang.
Hikarii jumped up, "Yay!"
Alexandra had no idea what to do because she had just arrived. She
frowned as the bell rang. She muttered something inaudible and stood.
Nozomi stood nervously.
Haruka heard the bell ring and frowned. "I'll talk to you later..."
She jumped into a tree and seemed to disappear.
Hikarii noticed Alexandra again, but being very shy with people she
didn't know, she just grabbed her bag and left the room, "Nozomi, you
Kaen looked at Alexandra, and smiled warmly. He noticed arina
slipping out of the room and sweatdropped. //Trin-san....// he
thought to himself
Nozomi nodded.
Haruka waited for her friends, she was hidden in the tree.
Hikarii walked out of the school, breathing in the fresh autumn air.
Nozomi followed slowly. a head ache forming.
Alexandra smiled back, she walked out of class.
Haruka smiled evily. She jumped out of the tree and landing infront
of Nozomi and Hikarii. "BOOO!!!"
Nozomi fainted.
Kaen absentmindedly tripped haruka
"Come on, Nozomi... you are too slow! Waaah!" Hikarii jumped back,
falling on her back.
Alexandra blinked as she got outside. "Ano..."
"Oops," Haruka sweatdropped, then got tripped. "Owie."
"Oh, sorry" Kaen sweatdropped and helped haruka up.
Haruka laughed, "Its ok Kaen."
Hikarii sat up, rubbing her back. "Haruka-san! That hurt!"
Nozomi remained out cold. her brow knitted, she seemed to be having a
bad dream.
Alexandra watched them from the front of the building. "Weird
Haruka laughed, "I just meant to scare you guys."
Hikarii looked at Nozomi, "Ano.. she's out cold." She moved Nozomi's
shoulders, "Nozomi?"
Kaen looked at his watch, and he eeeped, eyes growing large. "CRAP!
IM GONNA BE LATE! grandman will give me extra chores for sure!" He
zoomed out of sight, towards the lillygrove temple.
Nozomi winced and whimpered lowly.
Haruka blinked as Kaen ran. She looked at Nozomi, "Heh me a baka!"
Alexandra frowned. She saw Nozomi was out cold. She walked over to
the others. "um... is she alright?"
Hikarii furrowed her brows, "Nozomi? Wake up!"
Haruka looked at the girl, "Um yeah..we do this all the time."
Hikarii looked up at Alexandra, "I don't know what happened.."
"She's not waking up though." ALexandra frowned and knelt besides
Nozomi stirred but suddenly sat up her eyes wide, "and all silence is
shatter by the sound of wishes!" She moaned and leaned forward,
clutching her forehead, she glistened with a sweat.
Haruka looked at Nozomi, "I thinks its time we take her home..."
On the way home, Kaen bumped into Arina. "Oh, sorry m-Trin-san?"
Arina glowered at him. "Dont EVER call me that fire brat" she hissed.
Kaen sweatdropped. "What happened toyou? you werent alwatys this
way...." "You should know. you had to die and leave me alone in the
war of the moonkingdom. Wretched senshi had to take yoyu away from
me. Now ive found people who will never leave me alone. My names
Arina now"
Hikarii jumped back in surprise. "Itai! Nozomi!?"
Alexandra frowned. "Are you alright, miss?"
Nozomi was hyper ventilating.
Haruka started to panick, "I'll I did was jump out of a tree!!!!"
Hikarii took Nozomi in her arms, cooing at her. "Nozomi, it's
alright... Nozomi.. they are just dreams... come on, everything is
fine." //Yeah right...//
Alexandra watched quietly.
She whimpered, "but the silence... i shattered... and the
blood....... the sound of all the wishes." HSe began to sob.
Arina slapped kaen hard, eyes cold and cruel .Kaen backed away
slowly. Arina reached for her locket.
Haruka kneeled down beside them. "Nozomi its ok now, we are here for
you...don't worry about the visions right now."
Hikarii sshed her. "It's ok, don't worry... it won't happen." She
said, not sure if she was lying or not.
"no.. it has ahppened... with the sailor of saturn.. but now.. it
will happen again.. i don't want to let it happen.."
Haruka reeled back and hissed. She stopped herself from
running. //Haruka-papa, Hotaru-chan...//
Hikarii looked at Nozomi, paralized. She felt the hairs at the back
of her neck go stiff. //Death of Saturn?!// "The *dark* senshi of
"Starfire crystal power!" Arina transforemd ina ring of dark flames.
Kaen thrust the hand with his ring in the air, transformeing also
with the simple phase."Mars Fire power, Bless!"
"first the light fell.. now the dark will.... but under all
sacrific.." Nozomi suddenly stood and ran away. //I canb't let tehm
see why..//
Alexandra's eyes widened a bit. //Saturn? Are they....?//
Haruka frowned, "Something is gonna happen Hikarii, I suggest we talk
about it else where."
Hikarii nodded, "Ok.. but destiny isn't written yet... Nozomi, let's
go home."
"Excuse me...." Alexandra said quietly, looking at Nozomi.
Nozomi ran until she came to the battle..
"Nozomi!" Hikarii ran after her, stopping short when she saw the two
uniformed senshi in front.
Haruka ran after them and ducked behind a tree.
NOzomi ended up int eh middle of the battle..
Alexandra frowned. "Dammit, no one listens!" SHe ran after them also,
hiding behind a bush.
Soon Starfire and Miramars were standing off. Starfire
glared"Starstreak strike! " the stars poured fro mher tiara, and mira
mars rolled out of the way. "MARS SPITFIRE SPREAD!" BLACKSTARFLAME!"
the two attacks collided and dispelled each
Hikarii jumped at Nozomi, pushing her away from the attacks.
Mira mars noticed hikarii, standing in front of hwer as Sailor
Starfire launched another Blackstar flame*
Nozomi was panting. She had to get away, "I'm sorry! She ran and then
cried, "Hope's flight!" She suddenly flew away..
"WIND PLANET CRYSTAL, MAKE UP!" Haruka transformed into Sailor Wind.
She jumped out from behind the tree. "Sailor Senshi should get along,
not fight among themselves. Think of who you are, I am Sailor Wind
protector of trust and peace."
Mira mars took the brunt of the attack, and slumped in front of
Hikarii. Sailor starfires cold glare softened, only for a moment.
"Itai!" SHe cried out, as her shoulder hit the ground. She sat
up, "Nozomi!?"
Alexandra's eyes widened. "So they are...." She reached into her
pocket and held up her brooch. "ESTRELLAS CELESTIAL POWER, MAKE UP!"
SHe transformed into Sailor Alpha Omega and frowned. "Why are senshi
fighting each other?"
Wind lunged at Starfire, "Stop it you bakas!" She pulled her away.
Hikarii grabbed the falling Mira Mars, and glared at Starfire.
She grabbed her pendant, ready to transform as yet 2 more senshi
arrived. "Two more?"
Once Nozomi was far away enoughs he collapsed. using a Sailor
technique while untransformed was hard and painful
Starfire looked at Hikarii"Youre not worth my time," she said cruely,
and vanuished. in her place, appeared a youma of shadow.
"I'm not?" SHe asked, puzzled.
He looked at Mira Mars, "You ok?"
The youma chaged at sailor alpha omega. mira mars nodded. he was
barely singed.
Hikarii nodded, "Ok, we have a youma to destroy. " She looked at his
eyes... "Kaen?" She said.
Alpha Omega narrowed her eyes. She held up her hands and a sword
appeared in them. "STARS STRIKE!" A blast of energy went towards the
"Goddamn it, we are senshi, lets act like it people. Evil is coming.
We shouldn't be fighting." She pulled her Wind Sword out. "AIR
SLICE!" A solid mass of air went hurtling at the Youma.
Mira mars didnt reply, he stood, and launched an anti evil charm at
the youma, finihsing it off after alpha omega and sailor winds strike.
"Better tend to your friend, miss'" kaen turned to hikarii,
mentioning nozomi. He turned to go.
Hikarii sat crossed leg. "If this continues this way, I won't have
to interfere at all!"
Nozomi was out cold and therefore couldn't fight te darkness. it
covered her and she stood, her e eyes balck, "Wishes hopes crystal
power! Make up!"Her voice deathly cold. Suddenly she stood. but her
Fuku was black...
Alpha Omega frowned. "What the hell....?"
Kaen stopped abruptly. "Something is not right..."
Hikarii got up, "But where did Nozomi go?" She looked around.
Sailor Wind disappear, she hide behind the tree and distransformed.
She fell to the ground and acted like she had passed out.
The Sailor walked forward and soon ws in View. instead of two deep
eyes were two black, pure black, no whites or pupils.
Haruka watched it carefully, they might need her again.
Hikarii looked at the sailor. "Sailor Wish?" SHe wispered.
What's up with her...?" Alexandra said, moving towards the others.
She grabbed her pendant, "Wishing Star power, Make up!"
Mira mars looked at Wish .Are you alright?" he asked softly
The Sailor nodded. her staff appering in her hands. she didn't hold
it like she normally did.. just the way she was holding it made it
look like a scyth...
WishingStar grabbed her staff in front of her. "God, that's not just
"Then who the hell is it?" Alpha Omega looked at WishingStar
She began her purifying attack, "I wish..." She twirled her staff
She didn't answer just extended a hand, "Dream Shatter." about fiffty
or so various streaks of light emergeged going after each sairlor.
Mira mars flipped out of the way, avoiding the attack. "Crap, she
means business.."
Haruka winced at what she saw. Wish had once been on Air's team..but
that was a long time ago.
Wishingstar blinked as the attack hit her during her own attack. She
fell back.
Haruka frowned and transformed again. She hide in the tree.
AlphaOmega gritted her teeth. She held up her hands. "OMEGA...DAWN!"
Energy went after Wish.
"WISHINGSTAR!" miramars yelled over to her. He ran in front of sialor
wishingstar, protecting her.
The sailro smiled. all hopes and wishes.. even the wish to live would
leave all that were hit with it. She jumped forward, using the sharp
end of her staff that absorbed the energy.
AlphaOmega blinked. "Huh....? Wait.... What's going on?!"
Wind screamed and jumped out of the tree.
Wishingstar had her eyes closed tightly, she was baattling something
Kaen took three anti evil charms and struck Wish with them
"LEAVE HER ALONG" Wind pulled the anti-evil charms off.
W#ish didn't even react. "you try to purge my soul.." She used her
staff and used it to cut open Mira Mars.
Miramars' eyes went wide as blood poured from him.
Wish smirked and flipped back.
Wind screamed, energy blasting from her. "WE ARE SENSHI, FRIENDS AND
I am no senshi. I am Choas." Sailor Wish spoke.
AlphaOmega frowned. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!!"
Wind turned and looked at her. "You are Wish, one of Air's team...a
long time ago. Don't you remember?"
Wishingstar rolled over suddenly, chocking up blood, as she opened
her eyes, gasping. "Well, your attack almost worked this time
Arina was asleep, and she murmored some words in her dreams.
Sailor Wish suddenly flinched and the colours on her fuku became
white ad black. the began to battle with each other.
Wishingstar got up, she knew she had to purify Wish with her own
attack, but it took too long. She grabbed her staff again. "I
AlphaOmega frowned. "Then what's she doing....?"
She smiled, now! "Purify!"
The bright white light enfulged Wish.
"Please remember, we need you Wish. Our team must become whole..."
Wind whipped around and looked at Wishingstar, "Baka! She had to win
it on her own!!!!"
Wishingstar looked at Wind, "But..."
Wish was not effected she suddenly detransformed and hfel, the head
band broken. There was s symbol, burned balck on her forehead, that
ws bleeding..
Wind narrowed her eyes, "You made her lose her inner battle. Choas
still ives inside her."
Wishingstar looked down, "But..."
A beam of balanced energy, in the shape of a yin tyang, hit Mira
mars, and he was engulfed by it. He emerged, wound healed. A masked
figure shrunk back into the shadows.
Then she remembered something Wind had said, "You know Wish?"
Wind shook her head, "I have been in this battle before, I know what
happens. I am sorry for yelling..."
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!" AlphaOmega yelled, getting irritated.
"Who are you then, how could you have been in the same battle?"
Wishingstar asked.
Nozomi woke slowly and saw wind, "Airy?"
Mira mars rubbed where his wound wasDont look at me, i have no idea"
Wind smiled faintly, "Sailor Air...reborn."
Nozomi shok her head, "it's been a while.."
Wind smiled at Nozomi, "I know Mouse..."
AlphaOmega frowned. "Just ignore me then...." //Son of a bitch...//
Wind looked at AlphaOmega, "I know you too."
Miramars sweatdropped at alpha omega.
Nozomi nodded, "ug... it has been a long time since I have had to
fight chaos.." She then stood and walked over to ALpha omega and
hugged her, "Aiden.."
AlphaOmega blinked. "Um... Yeah?"
Wind looked at Mouse and Aidan and smiled, "New people are we..."
"It has been a long time..."
"Reborn?" Wishing star pouted, "No fair.. I suppose no one knows me,
right? After all, I only appear every 5000 years..." She turned to
go. "Well, if you think you can handle all this better than me, then
maybe I should go the way I came."
Mira mars turned to leave, feeling shut out, but not showing it.
Wind jumped into the tree. "Goodbye more fighting."
AlphaOmega looked confused. "Why am I suddenly being payed attention
to all of a sudden?"
Wishingstar detransformed, walking away, towards her apartment.
Wind looked at WishingStar and laughed hard, she laughed so hard she
fell out of the tree.
Nozomi laughed and ran after Wishingstar.
ALphaOmega detransformed. "I'm sooo confused....." She ran after them.
Hikarii looked at Nozomi, glaring, "Why are you laughing?"
//I never did quite fit in...being the only knight around the time
they fought....// Miramars sighed, and continued on, detransforming
and walking towards the temple.
Wind laughed harder.
"I'm sorry but... what ould you do if you found osme of your best old
friend?" //mother...//
Wind stood up and walked away. /My job is done for now./
"Ok, but still.. Wind said I was baka, and that Ishouldn't have
Alexandra held up her hand. "Question?"
Wind smirked and sent a message only to WishingStar, /You aren't a
baka, I was did the right thing for now./
"uit's not your fault.. I would have lost any way.." Nozomi whispered.
Hikarii looked at Alexandra, blinking, she hadn't noticed she had
come along.
"Um...What's going on?"
Hikarii smiled slightly, /Oh../ "Well, next time, at least try not to
use your attack on me, ok? It's getting more powerful, and it almost
Nozomi looked away, "I din't have control..."
Wind walked down the street and detransformed as sh walked. For one
minute it looked as if she had long green ponytails.
"Who are you people?" Alexandra asked.
:every one and any one.." Nozomi answered.
Hikarii put a hand around Nozomi's shoulder, "It's ok.. I guess..
I'll have to be careful then, ne?" Hikarii turned to Alexandra, "I'm
Hoshino Hikarii, this is... Nozomi"
Kaen entered the temple, and did a fire reading. he was liking the
being a knight less and less, only because the one who he confided in
most was not with him. she was liek a sister to him.
Nozomi looked down, the symbol still bleeding.
Haruka walked towards the temple. She wanted to know her luck for the
"I'm Alexandra Kitsune Hoshino Loveta... are you alright, miss?" She
asked Nozomi.
Hikarii noticed it, "Nozomi? Here..." She handed her a handkerchif.
Kaens grandma poked him. "youre late. go sell charms andread
luck. "Ok -_-" kaen looked at her with a classic face.
Nozomi tried to get the blodo to stop but it didn't.
Haruka walked up the steps to the temple.
Hikarii turned back to Alexandra, "Nice to meet you. So you are
another senshi? Good, looks like we won't have any trouble replacing
the inners."
Alexandra nodded. "Sailor AlphaOmega from the planet Estrellas. Is
your friend alright?"
Hikarii looked at Nozomi, "Um.. maybe not? Nozomi?"
Haruka walked up to the temple booths and smiled faintly.
"I need to get my hands on some thing.." Nozomi muttered.
Kaen saw Haruka and smiled aquardly.
Haruka smiled at Kaen and wipped some blood of her cheek. "Hey."
Hikarii stopped, as they reached a building, in one of the most
luxury places in Tokyo. "Well, we're home! Maybe I can patch that up
inside." She smiled at Alex, "You coming in?"
"thank you no da... Nozomi siad softgly.
"Welcome to the Lillygrove temple" he said, not quite cheekily, but
glad for the company.
Alexandra shrugged. "Why the hell not. You're welcome."Her voice was
proper and gentle
"Thanks Kaen," Haruka smiled, "So wassup?"
"Nothing much. I just got stuck with double chores, and selling
charms for three days" Kaen groaned. "Grandma can be harsh"
Hikarii walked in, and called the elevator. Soon they ahd reached
the last floor (21) and she opened the door to the
apartment. "Welcome to my house!" She sweatdropped, her nightgown
was thrown across a richly decorated living room, her bags of clothes
open on top of her king size bed. "Um. a bit disordered."
Nozomi looked around with wide eyes she whistled softly, "and I can
still sing to the stars!"
The kitchen was no better, full of dirty dishes.
Haruka sweatdropped, "I am here to find my luck."
Nozomi made a B line for the dirty dishes and started to wash them
all and put them away.
Hikarii grabbed her nightgown, and started ordering her clothes into
the closet. "Nozomi? Is it still bleeding?" She called from the
"yes!" NOzomi called back.
Kaen took out a pebble and handed it to Haruka. 'Here you are.
Hikarii grabbed a first aid kit, and walked into the kitchen.
Haruka smiled, "Thanks." She rocked it back and forth in her hands
and let it drop on the board. It rolled onto 13. Haruka sweatdropped.
Nozomi had finished washung lall of the kitchen. it sparkled.
Kaen sweatdropped more visibly. "TOugh luch" he said sympatheticly.
Hikarii whistled, "Wow, great! Now come here." She said, opening the
kit, and taking out some cloth and a bandage.
Haruka smiled, "Not yet." She walked over to the drawers and opened
13. "Here it goes.:
NOzomi stepped forward and sat down nervously.
Hikarii wiped the blood,with a bit of alcohol, and quichly bandaged
Haruka pulled her slip of paper out and read it. "Oh shoot, I am
gonna bein a fight." She sweatdropped.
Kaen sweatdropped again.
Suddenly in the street there was screaming. "Oh my." A evil looking
woman/plant was attacking people.
Kaen sweatdropped. "Oh great"
Nozomi winced.
Haruka frowned, "Um I need to go..." Haruka turned and ran away and
hid behinda building. "WIND PLANET CRYSTAL, MAKE UP!"
Hikarii smiled, "Done!"
Nozomi smiled faintlyy, "there is evil afoot.."
Haruka transformed and jumped out infront of the monster. "In the
name of the Wind, your weed dust!"
Kaen hhid behind the temple and chanted"Mars fire power, bless!@" he
transformed into mira mars and was on the scene. HE hurled out an
anti evil harm at the youma, and readied his spitfire.
Hikarii blinked, "Another youma?"
Nozomi nodded, "and I think I will be able to be of more help.."
Wind raised her sword. "AIR SLICE!" THe attack went straight at the
youma's neck.
Hikarii nodded, "Let's go then." She said, pulling out her
pendant. "Wishing star power, Make up!"
"Wishes Hope Crystal Power! Make up!" Sailor WWish stood in all her
The youma screamed as the attack hit.
Sailor starfire watched with great interest and as instructed,
impersonated Sialor neptune.
Wind frowned, "Its not dieing Mira Mars!"
Wishingstar grinned, "I like that suit better." She said, "Let's
teleport." She took Wish's hand.
Mira mars too ka his stance "MARS SPITFIRE, SPREAD" his attack had no
effect either. he growle.d
Wish smiled, "or fly.."
Wind as getting nervous. With one foot she lunged off the ground and
kicked the youma with the other foot.
Wish nodded happily, "come on!" She half dragged Wishing star to the
Wishing star followed, a bit reluctant. "You sure it works better
than your attack?"
The youma grabbed Wind's foot and twisted it. As Wind let out a yell
of pain the youma sent her flying into Mira Mars.
mira mars caught wind, and deposited her in saftey.mira mars was
furious now, and took a different stance. a kanji of holiness
appeared in his hand as he raised it"Mars, holy flaming trail,
blaze!" he shouted and released a pure white flame
Wind whimpered and held her ankle in pain.
"Neptune" stood and launched her deep submerge at the youma as well,
Wind stood up and the youma ate the attack. Wind sweatdropped.
Neptune sweatdropped as well. she ran, and in her place, arrived
sailor uranus. She used her world shaking technique on the youma
while mira mars recouperated from the drain the power had put on him.
Wish nodded,. "hopes flight!" a comet appered in front of them. she
half dragged Wishing star onto it and it instantly dropped them off
at the fight.
Wind looked at Uranus, something was different about her.
Wishingstar looked at the comet, "A comet!?" She looked at the youma
and at--- um.. Uranus.
Hikaru dice:
"Ok, party time's over, The wishes have arrived!"
Wind pulled her sword out, "Uranus, your back!"
Wish hissed and cried out, "Wishes power!" teh sprinkles fell
rejevenating every one.
She smiled, her staff in front of her, "Star burst!" Directed at the
"No kidding" uranus used a sword blasting((issat right?) at the youma.
Wind frowned, that wasn't Uranus. "How is it going cuz?"
Wish heald her staff tightly, "Comets crash!" She ran forward and
jumped up inot the sky.
"WHat are you talkin bout sis?" uranus said, and eyebrow
quirked.//thank god for Kaens old obsession with lietle haruka.//
Wind smiled, "Just checking Sis, I wasn't sure if it was the real
"Ok, now lets finish this loser." she sent another sword blasterat
the youma, and mars sent a spitfire.
"Ok!" Wind sent a Air Slice at the youma.
Iwsh fell from the sky and hit the youma from above. She hit the
youma. the youma was umm.. gone and there was a ten foot deep crater
form where wish landed.
Wind's eyes widened, "Whoa..."
Mira mars sweatdropped. "that was powerful.."
Wish turned and glared at uranus. "Your wishes are not pure! fake!"
Uranus scowled. "WHat do you mean?" sher asked innocently.
Wind looked as Uranus, "I was right?"
Wish nodded, "if you are the true Sialor Uranus you would not be
thinking of destroying the sailors!"
Mira mars looked again to uranus,"Hey, you do seem familiar. " he
pulled outa revealing charm and triedto hit uranus with it. she
dodged it, and glared at him. "bastard! she hit him hard with a sword
blaster andvanished.
Wind looked at Uranus in surprise. "URANUS! Air Slice." She sent the
attack at Uranus only powerful enough to knock Uranus out.
Wsih stood calmly. "ok so I can't feel my legs.. big deal..."
Mira mars stood groggily."....trin san?" he asked again. Uranus had
barely evaded, and her leg was badly hurt. "I shall have retribution
when you least expect it mars!' she vanished with a crack of a whip.
Wind ran to Mira Mars, "Are you alright?"
"Yeah.. just confused" he wiped the blood from his lip.
Wish stood calmoly still. //I shouldn't have done that."
Wind smiled, "Glad your ok!"
Wishingstar noticed Wish wasn't mooving. "Wish? Are you ok?"
Mira was at wishes side in a flash, feeling an odd feeling from
her. "are you ok?" he asked in a concerned tone
"I paid the price for that attack." She whispered.
Wind looked at Wish, "you'll live you always do."
Wishingstar forrowed her brows, "Wish?" She walked up to her
side, "What's wrong?"
"as long as all feeling in my legs isn't needed..."
Wind sighed, "Everytime she uses that attack..." her voice dirfted
off as she looked at the planets.
Mira mars slipped away as the girls were looking at each other
concerned. he was hurt more than he let on, but he didnt want to bbe
a bother, he never did
Wishingstar frowned, worried, "Wish what did you do?" She felt very
worried, like a mother to a child. She looked at Wind, "What? What
happens everytime she uses that attack?"
Wind sighed and looked at her. "She loses a part..."
Wind stood up, "I gotta go for now."
Wish sat down.. no mroe like controletly collaspsed.
Mira mars detransformed, and he began to tend to his hurt arm and leg
at the temple.
Wind detransformed behind the building and walked back to the temple.
Wishingstar grabbed Wish, putting her tenderly on the floor. "Wish..
what do I do?"
"just give it time.. it should fade in a week or so..."
"A week!?" She frowned, "Well, then you aren't fighting in a week
either." She said, a bit scoldingly, a bit too worried.
Wish frowned, "I can stlill fight.. I'll jsut heal... " She stod
clumlily, "yes mother..."
Haruka walked up the steps of the temple and rang the bells.
"Well, heal now!" She blinked, "Mother?"
"you sure are acting like one.." Wish half lied. "it won't work.."
Kaen walked to the door and opened it. "haruka-san. good to see you"
Haruka smiled and noticed the bandages, "Are you alright Kaen?"
Wishingstar sighed, "Ok, let's go back then, you have to
rest." /Hope no more attacks occur.. at least till tomorrow./