Character Profile:

Name:Kaen Daisaishi


Birthdate:June 10

Zodiac Sign:Gemini

Blood Type:O-

Hobby: Reading fire, Drawing

Senshi Name: Mira Mars Knight

Senshi Element Powers: Fire

Henshin Phrase:Mars fire power, bless

Personality:Kaen is a very solumn person, however, he can act very immature at times.

Physical Description: About 5'2, Raven black hair, blazing blue eyes.

Sailor Fuku description:remember the moonlight knights outfit? Well take the pants from that(red), add a shirt like that as well with a dark purple vest and belt, add a Fezz and a red mask like the one the moonlight knight wore,, and you have Mira Mars Knight

Attacks: (At least 2?)
Mars spit fire spread!: He braces his left arm with hir right hand. his left hand takes the shape(two fingers) of a gun and as he turns, fire blasts from it.

Mars Holy flametrail, burn!: Mira Mars holds his right hand in the air, and a kanji symbol for holyness appears in a small ball of fire energy. The picture shifts and he lowers his closed fist with a single finger pointing at his target. A pure white flame extends from it, and cascades the target.

Story: Since the warrior of fire(mars) no longer exist, Kaens destiny manifested itself. He was revealed as Mira Mars Knight, prince of mars, the night of the wish, when a Youma attacked his temple (Lillygrove temple). His grandmother was asleep at the time, so she did not find out his true identity.

School: He attends Genkino High, and spends much of his time there doodling, which sometimes gets him in trouble with his teachers, though his doodles are rather good.
