Charater Profile:

Name: Hoshino Hikarii (Bright star)

Age: 17 Years

Birthdate: 27 of June

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Blood Type: AB

Hobby: Singing and writing

Senshi Name: SailorWishingStar

Senshi Element Powers: Soul and Light

Henshin Phrase: Wishing Star Power, Make Up!

Personality: She is a very timid and quiet girl. She tries not to stand out (although her ears makes this quite hard). She can be seen at all times with a notebook, just in case she has time to do her homework or write. She hates breaking the rules and is against doing anything dangerous.

Wish Come true: She uses this to make people's dreams come true, only uses this one twice every 5000 years. Star Fury attack: A blast of small stars shoot out from the big star on her staff.  Offensive and medium effectiveness. I wish... Purify: She uses this mostly like how Sailor Moon would use her attacks, to purify anything from evil, can also be used as an offensive attack, if the opponent is pure evil. Healing and offensive, almost always works.

Story: The one on the front page. As she lands on Earth, she enrolls in Genkino High, and is on the lookout for any senshi she can gather.
