Welcome once more to CP.com!
Thought it was well past time for a new layout here at CP.com, and boy am I finally glad I bit the bullet and got it done, so to speak. Re-worked over a good portion of the site, links, and whatnots. Expect more changes in the future as well!
Clover Petals is, in a few words, an amalgamation of my sordid interests and intrigues with a few randoms thrown in for fun. This domain is home to collections of my own writing, art, graphics, journal, and so much more.
The site title obviously (well, not necessarily now...) is inspired by the series Clover, by CLAMP. However, I will not be adding a Clover site to CP as I'm stearing away from tons of fan-site/shrines and concentrating on refining what's already here.
Enjoy your stay! I hope you find something you do enjoy. This site is, as I will always say, as much for myself as it is for the public, therefore don't be too surprised if things are at my pace.