Tatsuha's first appearance is in episode 5. He is Yuki's younger brother, who looks almost exactly the same as him except for the hair color.^^ In fact, Shuichi confused him with Yuki when he first met him. XD He has an serious obsession with Sakuma Ryuichi and has all of his videos, gone to all his concerts, calls Ryuichi "my honey," etc etc. He gets a little obsessive on the mention of Ryuichi, glomping the television and all that. XD Tatsuha also has a habit of "trespassing and molesting children," as Yuki put it.^^ Upon his first encounter with Shuichi, he glomps Shuichi and pins him to the floor because his resemblance to Ryuichi. <.<
Tatsuha first came to Tokyo to look for Ayaka and to try and bring her back to Kyoto. He sort of disappears afterwards for a couple of episodes and returns at a critical moment for Shuichi, in which Yuki had just proposed to Ayaka after breaking up with Shuichi. Tatsuha helps Shuichi realize that he has a last chance and takes him to Yuki, where Shu-chan does his cute/incredibly dumb thing and somehow gets Yuki to like him again. o.0 Tatsuha can be tricky when he wants to, and he's pretty much a care-free person. He doesn't seem to have much burden on him and he doesn't get on his father's nerves as much as Yuki does. XD Although he's not seen too often, he is a comic relief as well as an important person for the show.
Quick Stats:
Name: Uesugi Tatsuha
DOB: December 21st
Age: 16
Blood Type: AB
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