Ayaka is royalty, being the only daughter of the Temple hotel, and her hometown is Kyoto. She makes her first appearance in episode five, almost taken advantage of by some men, but luckily Shuichi and Hiro were near by. Shuichi and Hiro rescued her from the men and took her to dinner. Later Hiro said he would take her to 'safety.'^^ (We find out later that they went to an all night karaoke club) It turns out that Tatsuha has come to look for her after she ran away from home to come to Tokyo and find Yuki. Shuichi unknowningly does Ayaka a favor by taking her to see Yuki, and there Shuichi finds out that Ayaka is Yuki's fiancee.
Ayaka loves Yuki, but Yuki does not return those feelings. Yuki's father fully supports his relationship with Ayaka, Ayaka was pretty much forced into marriage even though Yuki didn't exactly love her. Perhaps it's to pop Ayaka's little bubble of hope, but Yuki told Ayaka that he is with Shuichi for the first time. Ayaka is sort of a tool for Yuki, and a willing one too. -.- When the news of Shuichi giving up on Yuki reached her, she told Shuichi that she had accepted Yuki's proposal to her and that his relationship with Yuki has officially ended. Yuki basically used Ayaka to try and push Shuichi away, but as Shuichi proved later, it took more than that.^^ After Shuichi and Yuki's relationship is a little more secured, Ayaka and Hiro began dating^^ since Hiro was in love with her.
Quick Stats:Name: Usami Ayaka
DOB: June 6th
Age: 17
Blood Type: A
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