AIZAWA TACHIAizawa Tachi is the leader and vocalist of the band ASK. He's pretty selfish and a sore loser. He can be protrayed as the villain in Gravitation, but his motives were not entirely pure evil. He was jealous of Bad Luck's popularity and continuously threatened Yuki and Shuichi. He even abused Shuichi in order to get what he wants. Although his actions were wrong, he was only trying to help his band and achieve success in the music world. In the end, he does realize that he's got friends like Ma-chan and Ken-kun, who forgave him for all he's done. He also realizes that they can be a successful band even though they may have to compete against Bad Luck. XD
Quick Stats:Name: Aizawa Tachi
Spelling Alternatives: Taki
DOB: June 1st
Age: 22
Blood Type: A
MA-KUNMa-kun is another member of ASK. He isn't show very much throughout the series, but he and Ken-kun are almost always near Tachi when they do appear on screen. Ma-kun and Ken-chan also take the punishment along with Tachi when Yuki comes for revenge. He's actually pretty friendly to Shuichi and the gang, he did not support Tachi's behavior towards Bad Luck and his thoughts of bring Bad Luck down. He was fully concerned for Tachi as he sees him fail at each attempt to humiliate Bad Luck.
Quick Stats:Name: Ma-kun
DOB: October 4th
Age: 23
KEN-CHANKen-chan is the third member of ASK. He's pretty much like Ma-kun, concerned about Tachi's plans to ruin Bad Luck and getting the punishment for what Tachi did. Poor Ma-kun ended up getting beaten up by Yuki. Ken-chan isn't shown very much throughout the series either, but he was there along with Ma-kun when Tachi walked out of the stadium depressed during the last episode. They were happy that Tachi's pretty much given up on Bad Luck and they have their Tachi back.^^
Quick Stats:Name: Ken-chan
DOB: July 24th
Age: 23
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